Wine Tour at Cerasuolo di Vittoria Area _ Cos & Gulfi Wineries

Wine Tasting Experience
Enjoy a wine tasting experience in a lush area of olive trees, carobs, almond trees and vines. With the Cos and Gulfi wineries  you will  discover the Cerasuolo di Vittoria and its uniqueness  deeply bound to its climate and the land where it is cultivated.

The program is:

Pick up at hotel by your English speaking driver.

You will then be taken to the city of Vittoria to visit the COS Winery. The estate decided to adopt the principles of biodynamic culture. This decision helped the owners find and keep a harmonious balance with nature. Fascinated by ancient cellar practices, COS chose to work with amphorae, clay jars that were used by the ancient Greeks. You will enjoy a tour of the winery and taste some of its wines.

Afterwards, you will be transferred to Chiaramonte Gulfi for a visit of a second winery. Gulfi Winery preserves the land in order to nurture what our forefathers left and taught us: over 2000 years of history and culture. Naturality characterizes their wines, which are the fruit of traditional, organic viticulture and non-invasive vinification. A wine tasting will be held during lunch. Then, a visit of Ragusa Ibla is planned with your driver guide, admiring picturesque lanes and narrow streets with many old workshops. You will also be visiting the church of St. George and tasting typical Sicilian products at Isola nell’Isola. Finally, you will return to the hotel.

Price on request

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The excellence of food, wine and hospitality in Sicily
Credits TITANKA! Spa